Women in Robotics
...bridging the gender gap
Women in Robotics
...bridging the gender gap
Women in Robotics
...bridging the gender gap
BlueRoSES at a glance
Blue RoSES (Dec. 2019- Nov. 2021) is an EU-funded project that aims at exploiting state-of-the-art technology in marine robotics (networked control of Remotely Operated Vehicles - ROVs) and ICT (IoT middleware for sensor networks, smart apps) to develop innovative services for marinas and leisure boats in order to adapt to changing demands from users and address environmental challenges.

BlueRoSES aligns with the Blue Growth strategy and the Strategic Research Agenda for robotics in Europe 2014-2020. The project capitalizes on the specific background of transnational projects and programs (e.g. BlueMed, WestMED) developed within these frames and tackles the challenges identified by these initiative by adopting an innovative approach. For example, the Blue RoSES lab aims to go beyond a vertical exploitation of robotics, Internet-of-Things, smart apps and web services technologies in the marine/maritime field and explore more the opportunities offered by increasing tourism in terms of open-water activities, as well as harbor activities. In doing so, the BlueRoSES lab promotes sustainable economic development and creation of new opportunities in the fields of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism and cultural heritage - blue tourism (eco-sustainable marinas, synergies with others sectors including cultural heritage.
The project conducts multidisciplinary work in cooperation with marketing and business experts, thus leading to the creation of new business models and job opportunities through a stakeholder-driven process (marinas, marine protected areas, yachting yards).
The key challenge in the blue economy is to overcome obstacles to inter-disciplinary learning and to avoid slowing down progress and innovation by diffuse research efforts in marine and maritime science. The creation and implementation of the Blue RoSES Lab will address this challenge. It will implement multidisciplinary approaches through an innovative partnerships between maritime stakeholders to drive innovation in the blue economy.

The project foresees the design, development and integration for
architecture for networked remote control of underwater robots, as well as suitable user friendly apps for robot piloting from PCs, smart phones, tablets, etc, and an IoT middleware supporting their integration with communication networks onboard leisure boats and in marinas.
These activities will be carried out in two specific Work Packages, with the following results:
• enabling visitors to "stroll" through an underwater archaeologic museum or a pristine marine habitat from their
house, leisure boat cabin or hotel room inside a marina;
• fitting marinas with robotic tools for automatic monitoring of water quality and pollution, providing open,
immediate access to measured geo-physical-chemical parameters as well as acquired images of the seabed
• hiring leisure boats equipped with robotic tools for remote visit of underwater sites and/or inspection of hull conditions.